Blue Hill Adventure & Quarry Museum
Mayor William Phelan launches
BHAQM new Website
Blue Hill Adventure & Quarry Museum participated in
Mass Audobon Society's Earth Day
Quincy Chamber of Commerce Expo
Governor Patrick's Volunteer Day at the State House
Quincy Environmental Network's 1st Earth Day Festival
* MA State Archeologist and MWRA visited the Museum in Quincy Center
*BHQM presented Winter Olympics slide show at Quincy Historical Society
Photo Gallery
Mayor Thomas P.Koch issues
US Olympic Day Proclamation in Quincy
Blue Hill Adventure & Quarry Museum partner's with long running chain Hearth 'n Kettle
for fundraiser
15% $$ of meals donated to Museum.
* Blue Hill Adventure & Quarry Museum recieves award at Discover Quincy (Office of Tourism) Annual Meeting
David Hodgdon, (in blue jacket).
Peter Hunt joins Board of BHAQM
(Peter is brother of
MA State Rep. Dan Hunt)
Boy Scouts Troop 41 (Walpole) help clean up Neponset on Canoe trip with Blue Hill Adventure & Quarry Museum